Common Misuses of a Colon
Jared Aragona
Common misuses of a colon
Avoid common misuses of colons with phrases like between a verb and its object or complement, or after “such as” and “including” where a comma should instead come before these phrases.
Between a verb and its object or complement.
Investors can: analyze markets, making trades, and comparing the data to foreign markets. (Incorrect)
Investors can analyze markets, making trades, and comparing the data to foreign markets. (Correct)
– Use no punctuation between the verb and object)
Some important vitamins and minerals found in vegetables are: vitamin A, niacin, thiamine, and iron. (Incorrect)
Some important vitamins and minerals found in vegetables are vitamin A, niacin, thiamine, and iron. (Correct)
– Use no punctuation between the verb and object)
After “such as,” “including,” or “for example.”
The trees on our campus include many fine Japanese specimens such as: black pines, gingkos and weeping cherries. (Incorrect)
The trees on our campus include many fine Japanese specimens such as black pines, gingkos and weeping cherries. (Correct)
The MLCKRB (Master List Code Key and Rule Book): An English Grammar & Style Handbook by Jared Aragona, CC BY 4.0