Adjectives and Adverbs
Jared Aragona
Adjectives & adverbs
Writers must distinguish between adjectives and adverbs.
Adjectives modify nouns should be placed before the noun.
A nation just will not neglect its people. (Incorrect)
A just nation will not neglect its people. (Correct)
Use adverbs, not adjectives, to modify verbs. Adverbs are often (but not always) adjectives with -ly on the end.
He stepped light while walking the haunted pathway. (Incorrect)
He stepped lightly while walking the haunted pathway. (Correct)
Adjectives can also modify nouns through a linking verb. Use adjective form here.
The burrito seemed enormously. (Incorrect)
The burrito seemed enormous. (Correct)
I feel terribly today. (Incorrect) – unless you meant your fingers were numb, modifying “feel.”
I feel terrible today (Correct) – here the adjective modifies “I.”
The MLCKRB (Master List Code Key and Rule Book): An English Grammar & Style Handbook by Jared Aragona, CC BY 4.0