
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Problems

Jared Aragona

Pronoun-antecedent agreement problems

Pronouns work by agreeing with/matching their antecedent nouns in terms of number, person, and gender.  Pronoun agreement errors occur when the pronoun and the antecedent do not match.

Incorrect One of the students must give their oral report tomorrow. 

Antecedent                    pronoun

Correct: One of the students must give his or her oral report tomorrow.

Antecedent                    pronoun

Incorrect: My student hopes to have their lottery number picked.

Correct: My student hopes to have his lottery number picked.

Antecedent             pronoun

Incorrect: A doctor must have a good relationship with their patients.

Antecedent                                    pronoun

Correct: A doctor must have a good relationship with his or her patients.

Antecedent                                    pronoun

CorrectDoctors must have a good relationship with their patients.

Antecedent                                   pronoun

Correct: The students know they can pass their classes.

    Antecedent     pronoun        pronoun


The MLCKRB (Master List Code Key and Rule Book): An English Grammar & Style Handbook by Jared Aragona, CC BY 4.0


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Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Problems Copyright © by Jared Aragona is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.