

Our information and connection-driven lives today are engineered through the convergence of modern telecommunications and networking ecosystems. In this textbook, we examine these digital networks through networking models, protocols, systems, and tools. From the core principles that underpin data transmission to the complex architectures driving the global Internet, we aim to provide a solid foundation to prepare you for the evolving dynamic landscape of communications in the workplace.
Consider the way your smartphone effortlessly accesses the Internet through wireless networks, enabling instant communication with friends and access to a wealth of information. As you read this introduction, data packets are traversing undersea fiber optic cables, seamlessly connecting continents and enabling global collaboration. These are just a few examples of the marvels of modern networking.  Additionally, you will explore numerous networking technologies, from the wired Ethernet connections that power local area networks to the advanced routing protocols that steer data across the Internet’s complex web.

Whether you’re streaming a high-definition movie, video conferencing with colleagues around the world, or remotely controlling a robotic device, networking plays a pivotal role. Through the evolution of wireless standards leading to the integration of 5G networks, you will gain practical insights into the challenges and opportunities that networking presents. As you progress through the chapters, you will acquire the skills to navigate the complex landscape of modern communication and contribute to the ongoing evolution of this dynamic field.



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Telecommunications and Networking Copyright © by Rita Mitra; Glenn Brown; Melanie Huffman; and Hongyi Zhu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.