Book Title: Topics in Precalculus

Book Description: Topics in Precalculus is a compilation of ideas and concepts designed to prepare you for the study of Calculus. In addition to re-enforcing content from algebra such as exponential and logarithmic functions, and complex numbers, this book introduces the reader to more novel concepts by investigating in detail two of the most basic shapes in geometry: the circle and the triangle. Join us as we explore this ancient subject that extends our knowledge of these shapes by explaining them in terms of trigonometry. In fact, our study of the six trigonometric functions will allow us to apply the relationships described in precalculus to other branches of science such as physics and astronomy. The connections revealed between both the new and familiar ideas described in Topics in Precalculus will assist you with your mathematics journey in a book that’s designed just for YOU!
Book Information
Book Description
The authors of this book, five fun-loving and adventurous math geeks, share a love for low-to-no cost, high quality academic materials. We believe that most learning happens outside of a classroom; accordingly, course materials should encourage interaction, support student growth, and be accessible to everyone! Our common belief in the inflated cost of academic stuff coupled with a desire to tailor materials to our students’ needs led us to collaborate on an open educational resource project supported by UTSA Libraries. Although much of our eBook is sourced from the OpenStax Precalculus Textbook, we modified the content to suit our course topics and the UTSA student body. Yes… you may be able to spot yourself in here if you look closely! In fact, I think I see you walking into the Flawn Science Building… take a look yourself.
Topics in Precalculus Copyright © by Sage Bentley; An Do; Carolyn Luna; Stephen Pena; and Phillip Saldivar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Mathematics and Science