34 UTSA OER Accessibility Checklist

Vanessa Garza

Organizing Content Accessibility Elements

Accessibility Elements to Check ANDI Tool and WAVE Evaluation Method Recommended, Required or Dependent on Context
Content is organized under headings and subheadings. Structure/ WAVE Dependent on Context
Headings and subheadings are used sequentially (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2). Structure/ WAVE Required
There is only 1 heading level 1 (Excluding the book title). Structure/ WAVE Required
Lists are created using the list tool. Structures (List option)/ WAVE Required

Accessibility checklist for organizing content elements tailored to UTSA Pressbooks.

Image Accessibility Elements

Accessibility Elements to Check ANDI Tool and WAVE Evaluation Method Recommended, Required or Dependent on Context
Images that convey information include alternative text (alt text) descriptions of the image’s content or function. Graphics/Images (ANDI Output Section)/ WAVE Required. Check out Image Accessibility Creator and Wolverine Describer (requires ChatGPT 4) for generating alt-text for images. These are excellent starting points for generating alt-text. You will need to review and edit alt-text outputs as needed for accuracy.
Graphs, charts, and maps also include contextual or supporting details in the text surrounding the image. Graphic/Images (ANDI Output) Recommended
Images do not rely on color to convey information. Graphics/Images, Color Contrast Required
Images that are purely decorative do not have alt text descriptions. (Descriptive text is unnecessary if the image doesn’t convey contextual content information). Graphics/Images (ANDI Output Section)/ WAVE Recommended
Images do not include redundant text (Image of, or picture of…). Graphics/Images (ANDI Output Section) Recommended
Text in images is avoided, but if used all text in image in is the alternative text. Graphics/Images (ANDI Output Section) Required
Graphs, charts, and maps also include captions as alternative text is usually not sufficient. Graphics/Images (ANDI Output Section) Required

Links Accessibility Elements

Accessibility Elements to Check ANDI Tool and WAVE Evaluation Method Recommended, Required or Dependent on Context
The link text describes the destination of the link and does not use generic text such as “click here” or “read more.” Links/Buttons/ WAVE Required
If a link will open or download a file (like a PDF or Excel file), a textual reference is included in the link information (e.g., [PDF]). Links/Buttons/ WAVE Recommended
External links open in new windows or tabs and internal links open in the same window or tab. Links/Buttons/ WAVE Required
If a link opens in a new window or tab, a textual reference is included in the link information (e.g., [New Tab]). Links/Buttons/ WAVE Recommended
For citations and references, the title of the resource is hyperlinked, and the full URL is not hyperlinked. Links/Buttons/ WAVE Required
URLS are not present unless in the citations and references. Links/Buttons/ WAVE Required
Links are not broken and go to working sites. Links/Buttons/ WAVE Required

Table Accessibility Elements

Accessibility Elements to Check ANDI Tool and WAVE Evaluation Method Recommended, Required or Dependent on Context
Tables are used to structure information and not for layout. Tables Required
Tables include row and column headers. Tables - Markup Button Required
Row and column headers have the correct scope assigned. Tables - Markup Button Required
Tables include a caption. Tables Required
Tables avoid merged, split or blank cells. Tables Dependent on Context
Tables have adequate cell padding. WAVE Dependent on Context

Multimedia Accessibility Elements

Accessibility Elements to Check ANDI Tool and WAVE Evaluation Method Recommended, Required or Dependent on Context
All audio content includes a transcript. The transcript includes all speech content and relevant descriptions of non-speech audio and speaker names/headings where necessary. Iframes to find Required
Videos have captions of all speech content and relevant non-speech content that has been edited by a human for accuracy. Iframes to find Required
Videos with contextual visuals (graphs, charts, etc.) are described audibly in the video. Iframes to find Required
Videos using slides should include a link to an accessible version of the slides (Reviewed by the Digital Accessibility team). Email the DA Team for verification Email the DA Team for verification

Formula Accessibility Elements

Accessibility Elements to Check ANDI Tool and WAVE Evaluation Method Recommended, Required or Dependent on Context
Equations written in plain text use proper symbols (i.e., −, ×, ÷). (Formulas) Manual Review Dependent on Context
Written equations are properly interpreted by text-to-speech tools. (Formulas) Manual Review Dependent on Context

Other Accessibilty Elements

Accessibility Elements to Check ANDI Tool and WAVE Evaluation Method Recommended, Required or Dependent on Context
Content meets color contrast requirements. Color Contrast/ WAVE Dependent on Context
Files (MS Office Files, PDFs, Google Files, etc.) have passed the accessibility review by the Digital Accessibility Team. Email the DA Team for verification Required
All external websites have passed the accessibility review by the Digital Accessibility Team. Email the DA Team for verification Required
An accessibility statement is present in the book (in introductory chapter). Manual Review (Should be in introductory chapter) Required


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OER Toolkit Copyright © 2023 by Vanessa Garza is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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