35 UTSA Accessibility Statement

Vanessa Garza

General Accessibility

The web version of this OER has been reviewed with accessibility in mind. If you encounter inaccessible content in this OER, please reach out with the chapter title and section that needs remediation and explain the issue you are experiencing.

In addition to the web version, this book is available in PDF and EPUB. Look for the “Download this book” drop-down menu to select your desired file type.

Image Alternative Text

All images in this book have been reviewed to determine if they need alternative text or should be marked as decorative. Accurate alternative text or captions have been included for images that need alternative text.


All formulas in this book have been reviewed, and efforts have been made to ensure they can be read with assistive technology.

Media Accessibility

All videos and audio in this book have been reviewed, ensuring that the captions are accurate and the videos are descriptive enough to give all students an equitable experience with the content.


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OER Toolkit Copyright © 2023 by Vanessa Garza is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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