5 Finding OER

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate how to find OER: UTSA college Guides, Pressbooks Directory, etc.

Finding OER

OER can be tricky to find because there are many OER repositories, not all OER are indexed in a one single repository, and many OER are in development and not indexed at all. Learn from experts on where you can find OER

Key Takeaways

Pressbooks Directory

Pressbooks Directory is an open repository of OER primarily created by academic institutions that have a subscription to Pressbooks that enables faculty creation and remixing of existing OER.


Key Takeaways

UTSA Librarians to the Rescue

UTSA Librarians have compiled OER by UTSA college and department on our OER Research Guides.  Simply explore your college’s OER guide to see if OER have already been matched to your course!

Key Takeaways


 Browse or search Pressbooks Directory and see if there are OER for your class. Be sure to use a variety of keywords when searching in order to cast the widest net. Provide titles and links for any OER that look like they have potential.

Additional Resources: OER Guides by College


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