Book Title: The Geology of North American National Parks

Book Description: Take a tour of geologic ideas in this adapted text. Some of the best geological features of the world are enshrined in the US and other national parks. This text uses the national parks as illustrations, delving into park history and culture at times, but primarily concentrating on those things that illustrate how the Earth works.
Book Information
Book Description
The national parks may be America’s best idea, saving the finest parts of the nation for everyone to enjoy forever. What better way to learn about the natural world than to tour the parks with us? We’ll explore how the mountains and valleys formed and why they often come with volcanoes and earthquakes. You’ll see what really killed the dinosaurs and how we can help save their modern relatives in the parks. With film clips, slide shows, and our geological interpretations of classic rock songs, isn’t it time for a road trip?
The Geology of North American National Parks Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Richard Alley, Evan Pugh, and Sridhar Anandakrishnan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Earth sciences