
3 The Basics of Group Work

One of the most effective ways people learn the materials related to these projects is through the discussions that arise from working with your peers to explore concepts and ideas in more detail. These projects have been designed to facilitate these types of discussions. By working in groups, you will engage the assigned topics in more detail while also encountering and processing different points of view and acquiring valuable teamwork skills. Since the group assignments are part of your individual grade, it is crucial that all group members remain accountable and contribute appropriately. We will accomplish this using the following ground rules:

  1. Each group will complete a Group Charter outlining how communications will take place, individual roles and responsibilities, and resolution of conflicts. You may communicate in person, using the group discussion forum in Blackboard, external messaging apps, etc. as long as all members of the group are in agreement. Please work this out in the Charter.
  2. Regardless of how students meet, each group will create an agenda, keep minutes for each of the meetings, and post the agendas and minutes to the group discussion forum. In cases where one or more members is not contributing equally, we will consult these records to determine how the individual’s lack of participation affects his or her final grade.
  3. Some components of each project are weighted lower. This is done on purpose so that each group can develop a working rapport and establish effective modes and strategies to complete the objectives.

Follow these instructions to create your agendas and meeting minutes.

The fundamental objective of each group assignment is to promote discussion and brainstorming. The assignments are not intended as a division of labor. This shared learning activity provides you with an opportunity to engage in discussion, take responsibility for your own learning, and develop your critical thinking skills. You are expected to work collaboratively to create a specific end project that reflects the combined efforts of the group

Resolving Conflicts

Working in teams can be a very rewarding experience and it is an effective way for you to engage in a topic more meaningfully than you would on your own, but sometimes conflicts are unavoidable. Please be considerate and understanding of the other members in your group and fulfill your commitment to the group responsibly. If conflicts arise, please refer to the charter and try to find a resolution on your own. If this doesn’t work, let Drs. Stephen and Drinka know and we will do what we can to help.


This Is Our Classroom Copyright © by Drew Stephen; Brandon Davis; Bridget Drinka; and Devon Bradley. All Rights Reserved.