
Module 42.1 Dialogue


Naomi Johnson asks a stranger for direction

Script & Translation
Dialogue 1

1 ジョンソン: あの、すみません。

2 らない: はい、ですか。 

3 ジョンソン: 図書館はどこですか。

4 知らない人: あそこに病院がありますね。図書館はあの病院のです。

5 ジョンソン: ありがとうございます。 

6 知らない人: いいえ、どういたしまして。 

1 Jonson: Ano, sumimasen.

2 Shiranai hito: Hai, nan desu ka?

3 Jonson: Toshokan wa doko desu ka?

4 Shiranai hito: Asoko ni byouin ga arimasu ne. Toshokan wa ano byouin no migi desu.

5 Jonson: Arigatou gozaimasu.

6 Shiranai hito: Iie, douitashimashite.

English translation
1 Johnson: Uh, excuse me.

2 Stranger: Yes, how can I help you?

3 Johnson: Where is the library?

4 Stranger: There is a hospital over there. Library is at the right of that hospital.

5 Johnson: Thank you.

6 Stranger: No problem, you’re welcome.

Dialogue 1 Vocabulary

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
あの ano Ah
すみません sumimasen I’m sorry; excuse me
としょかん toshokan 図書館 library
どこ doko where
あそこ asoko there; over there
びょういん byouin 病院 hospital
あのnoun ano(noun) that (noun)
みぎ migi right
どういたしまして douitashimashite You’re welcome.

Takeshi Yamada asks Naomi Johnson where her hometown is located

Script & Translation
Dialogue 2

1 山田: ジョンソンさんはテキサスのサンアントニオからましたね。 

2 ジョンソン: ええ。 

3 山田: サンアントニオはどこにありますか。 

4 ジョンソン: ヒューストンのにあります。オースチンに近いですよ。 

5 山田: サンアントニオのダウンタウンにがありますか。 

6 ジョンソン: リバーウォークがあります。リバーウォークのくにバーとレストランとショップがあります。人気観光地ですよ。 

1 : Yamada: Jonson san wa tekisasu no san antonio kara kimashita ne.

2 Jonson: Ee.

3 Yamada: San antonio wa doko ni arimasu ka?

4 Jonson: Hyu-suton no soba ni arimasu. O-suchin ni chikai desu yo.

5 Yamada: San antonio no dauntaun ni nani ga arimasu ka?

6 Jonson: Riba-wo-ku ga arimasu. Riba-wo-ku no chikaku ni ba- to resutoran to shoppu ga arimasu. Ninki kankouchi desu yo.

English translation
1 Yamada: Mr. Johnson, you came from San Antonio in Texas, right?

2 Johnson: Yes.

3 Yamada: Where is San Antonio at?

4 Johnson: It is by Houston. It is close to Austin.

5 Yamada: What is in downtown at San Antonio?

6 Johnson: There is Riverwalk. There are bars, restaurants, and shops near the Riverwalk. It is a popular tourist spot.

Riverwalk image sources: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:San_Antonio_downtown_and_Riverwalk.jpg

Dialogue 2 Vocabulary

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
テキサス tekisasu Texas
サンアントニオ san antonio San Antonio
から kara from
きました kimasita 来ました came
どこ doko where
ヒューストン hyu-suton houston
そば soba near; close
オースチン o-sutin Austin
ちかい chikai 近い near; close; short (distance)
ダウンタウン dauntaun downtown
リバーウォーク riba-wo-ku riverwalk
ちかく chikaku 近く near
バー ba- bar
to particle: and
レストラン resutoran restaurant
ショップ shoppu shop
にんき ninki 人気 popularity; public favor
かんこうち kankouchi 観光地 tourist attraction; sight-seeing area

More Useful Words

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
いなか inaka 田舎 countryside
だいとかい Daitodai 大都会 big city; metropolitan
place から


place kara tooi place から 遠い far from (place)


place ni chikai placeに 近い close to (place)
Words that indicate a precise  location
となり tonari next to
あいだ aida between
みぎ migi right
ひだり hidari left
よこ yoko (by the) side

Grammar Notes

Location words: (soba), く (chikaku), (yoko), (tonari), (aida), (migi), and (hidari)

Just like 上 (ue), 下 (shita), 中 (naka), 前 (mae), and 後ろ (ushiro),  (soba), く (chikaku), (yoko), (tonari), (aida), (migi), and (hidari)  are words that can be used to describe different positions or directions in space.

(soba) near  to indicate something is in a location near or close to something else
く (chikaku) near, close to indicate something is in a location near or within the vicinity of something else
(yoko) (by the) side to indicate something is besides something else
(tonari) next to to indicate something is next to  or adjacent to something else
(aida) between to indicate something is between two things or people
(migi) right to indicate something is to the right of something else
(hidari) left to indicate something is to the left of something else


How to put (soba), く (chikaku), (yoko), (tonari), (aida), (migi), and (hidari) in a phrase or sentence
の側 tsukue no soba near the desk (lit. desk’s near)
tsukue no soba ni hon ga arimasu. Near the desk, there is a book.
机の近く tsukue no chikaku clost to the desk (lit. desk’s close vincinity)
机の近く に本があります。 tsukue no chikaku ni hon ga arimasu. Close to the desk, there is a book.
机の横 tsukue no yoko by the desk (lit. desk’s by/side)
箱の横 に本があります。 tsukue no yoko ni hon ga arimasu. By to the desk, there is a book.
机の隣 tsukueno tonari next to the desk (lit. desk’s next area)
机の隣に tsukueno tonari ni hon ga arimasu. Next to the desk, there is a book.
机と椅子の間 tsukue to isu no aida between the desk and chair (lit. the desk and chair’s between)
机と椅子の間に本があります。 tsukue to isu no aida ni hon ga arimasu. Between the desk and chair, there is a book.
机の右 tsukue no migi to the right of the desk  (lit. desk’s right)
机の右に本があります。 tsukue no migi ni hon ga arimasu. To the right of the desk, there is a book.
机の左 tsukue no hidari to the left of the desk (lit. desk’s left)
机の左に本があります。 tsukue no hidari ni hon ga arimasu. To the left of the desk, there is a book.

In summary, we use the following sentence patterns to describe what object, what animal, or who exists at/in/on a location.

Object Location あります。
Animal Location います。
Person Location います。

If one would like to know the location where an object, animal, or person is located, one would use the following sentence patterns:

Object どこ (doko; where) ありますか。
As for this object, where is it?
Animal どこ (doko; where) いますか。
As for this animal, where is it?
Person どこ (doko; where) いますか。
As for this person, where is he/she?

When answering the questions, replace どこ with the exact locations.




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