
Module 39.1 Monologues


Naomi Johnson tells Takeshi Yamada what is by her since Takeshi just had eye surgery and cannot see

Script & Translation
Monologue 1

ジョンソン: ここがあります もいます。

Jonson: Koko ni kaban ga arimasu. Neko mo imasu.
English translation
Johnson: There is a bag here. There is also a cat here.

Monologue 1 Vocabulary

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
ここ koko here
ni particle: at (indicate the location of existence)
かばん kaban bag
nounがあります noun ga arimasu (noun) exists

Naomi Johnson tells Takeshi Yamada what is by him since Takeshi just had eye surgery and cannot see

Script & Translation
Monologue 2

ジョンソン: そこがあります もいます。

Jonson: Soko ni kasa ga arimasu. Inu mo imasu.
English translation
Johnson: There is an umbrella there. There is also a dog there.

Monologue 2 Vocabulary

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
そこ soko there
いぬ inu dog

Naomi Johnson tells Takeshi Yamada what and who are away from both of them since Tanaka just had an eye surgery and cannot see

Script & Translation
Monologue 3

ジョンソン: あそこにけんさんがいます。自転車もあります。

Jonson: Asoko ni ken san ga imasu. Jitensha mo arimasu.
English translation
Johnson: There is Ken over there. There is also a bike.

Monologue 3 Vocabulary

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
あそこ asoko over there

More Useful Words

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
おはし ohashi お箸 chopsticks
カップ kappu cup
コップ koppu drinking glass; tumbler
マグ magu mug
スプーン supu-n spoon
ナイフ naifu knife
フォーク fo-ku fork

Grammar Notes

ここ (koko), そこ (soko), あそこ (asoko), and どこ (doko): Review

There are many こ(ko)・そ(so)・あ(a)・ど(do) groups in the Japanese language.

ここ・そこ ・あそこ ・どこ group is another one besides これ (kore)・それ (sore)・あれ (are)・どれ (dore) group mentioned in Module 22 and この (kono)・その (sono)・あの (ano)・どの (dono) group mentioned in Module 23.

ここ koko here (near the speaker)
そこ soko there (near the listener)
あそこ asoko over there (away from both parties)



doko where


Using ここ, そこ, and あそこ as locations to describe where one does something
ここ 読みます。
koko de hon o yomimasu
here at (location particle to indicate a place where the action happens) book object particle read
(In) here I will read a book.


Using ここ, そこ, and あそこ as locations to describe where something or someone exists
ここ あります。
koko ni hon ga arimasu
here in/on/at (location particle to indicate a place where something or someone exists) book particle follows the object or person that exists exist
(In) here there are books





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