
Module 32.1 Dialogue


Naomi Johnson talks about if she watches Japanese movies often or not

Script & Translation
1 山田: 今晩をしますか。 

2 ジョンソン: そうですね。たぶん映画ます。 

3 山田: 日本の映画ですか。 

4 ジョンソン: ええ。 

5 山田: よく日本の映画を見ますか。 

6 ジョンソン: いいえ、あまり見ません。 

1 Yamada: konban nani o shimasu ka?

2 Jonson: Sou desu ne. Tabun eiga o mimasu.

3 Yamada: Nihon no eiga desu ka?

4 Jonson: Ee.

5 Yamada: Yoku nihon no eiga o mimasu ka?

6 Jonson: Iie, amari mimasen.

English translation
1 Yamada: What are you doing tonight?

2 Johnson: Let me see. I will probably watch a movie.

3 Yamada: Is it a Japanese movie?

4 Johnson: Yes.

5 Yamada: Do you watch Japanese movies often?

6 Johnson: No, I do not watch them often.


  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
こんばん konban 今晩 tonight
なに nani what
します shimasu to do
そうですね soudesune Let me see.
たぶん tabun 多分 probably; perhaps
えいが eiga 映画 movie; film
みます mimasu 見ます to watch; to see
よく yoku often; frequently
あまり amari (not)very; (not) much

More Useful Words
Words that indicate the frequency
 Audio Japanese Romanization Kanji English
まいにち mainichi 毎日 every day
よく yoku often; frequently
ときどき tokidoki 時々 sometimes
あまり amari (not) very; (not) much
ぜんぜん zenzen 全然 (not) at all

Grammar Notes

Words of frequency

The following words are used to indicate frequency as to how often one does something. The frequency goes down as the words descend in the table below.

毎日 mainichi every day
よく yoku often
時々 tokidoki sometimes
あまり amari not often
全然 zenzen not at all

They can be added to a sentence to indicate how often one does something. For example:

English よくすしをべます。
Romanization Yoku sushi o tabemasu.
English “I eat sushi often.”


English すしをよくべます。
Romanization Sushi o yoku tabemasu.
English “I eat sushi often.”

Note: よく can appear in front of the noun or behind it. Same for the two sentences below.

English あまり映画ません
Romanization Amari eiga o mimasen.
English “I do not watch movies often.”
English 全然みません
Romanization Zenzen osake o nomimasen.
English “I do not drink sake at all.”

Note: When using frequency words such as あまり and 全然 , please note the verbs have to be in “negative” forms as shown in the example sentences above.




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