
Module 21.1 Dialogues


Dialogue 1: Naomi Johnson shops at a store

Script and Translation
1 ジョンソン:すみません、この時計はいくらですか。 

2 店員:3000です。 

3 ジョンソン:じゃあ、この時計をさい。 

4 店員:はい、ありがとうございます。 

1 Jonson: Sumimasen, kono tokei wa ikura desu ka?

2 tenin: Sanzen en desu.

3 Jonson: Jaa, kono tokei o kudasai.

4 tenin: Hai, arigatou gozaimasu.

English translation
1 Johnson: Excuse me, how much is this watch?

2 Store clerk: This is 3,000 yen.

3 Johnson: Can I have this watch then?

4 Store clerk: Yes, thank you.


Dialogue 1 Vocabulary

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
てんいん tenin 店員 store clerk
この+Noun kono + noun this + noun
とけい tokei 時計 clock
さんぜんえん sanzenen 3000円 (三千円) 3,000 yen
じゃあ jaa then; well; so
ください kudasai 下さい please (give me)

Dialogue 2: Naomi Johnson shops at another store and compares prices

Language Script and Translation

1 ジョンソン:すみません、その自転車はいくらですか。 

2 店員:8800です。 

3 ジョンソン:あの自転車も8800円ですか。 

4 店員:はい、そうです。 

5 ジョンソン:じゃあ、あれをさい。 

1 Jonson: Sumimasen, sono jitensha wa ikura desu ka?

2 tenin: Hassen happyaku en desu.

3 Jonson: Ano jitensha mo hassen happyaku en desu ka?

4 tenin: Hai, sou desu.

5 Jonson: Jaa, are o kudasai.

English translation
1 Johnson: Excuse me, how much is that bicycle (near you)?

2 Store clerk: That is 8,800 yen.

3 Johnson: Is that bicycle (over there) also 8,800 yen?

4 Store clerk: Yes, it is.

5 Johnson: Please give me that one (over there) then.

Dialogue 2 Vocabulary

Japanese Romanization Kanji English
その+Noun sono + noun that + noun
じてんしゃ jitensha 自転車 bicycle




8800えん (八千八百円) 8,800 yen
あれ are that
ください kudasai 下さい please (give me)

More Useful Words

  Japanese Romanization Kanji English
いす isu 椅子 chair
えんぴつ enpitsu 鉛筆 pencil
かさ kasa umbrella
かみ kami paper
くつ kutsu shoes
くつした kutsushita 靴下 socks
けしゴム keshigomu 消しゴム eraser
じしょ jisho 辞書 dictionary
つくえ tsukue desk
はさみ hasami scissors
ほん hon book
ぼうし boushi 帽子 hat
キャップ kyappu (baseball) cap
シャーペン sha-pen mechanical pencil
ノート no-to notebook
ペン pen pen
リュック ryukku backpack
ホッチキス hocchikisu stapler
ペンケース penke-su pencil box, pen box

Grammar Notes

この noun, その noun, and あの noun

この (kono), その (sono), and あの (ano) are words used to point at things or identify things.

In the case of これ (kore), それ (sore), and あれ (are), the noun is already built in each word.

However, in the case of この, その, and あの, each of these words has to be followed by a noun. It may be easier to consider この, その, and あの as the equivalent of “the” in English. “The” for identifying things has to be followed by a noun.

In English, there is only one “the” to point at a thing/person near the speaker, near the listener, and away from both the listener and the speaker.

However, there are three types of “the”‘ in Japanese. Pay special attention to how これ/この, それ/その, and あれ/あの are used in each pair of the sentences below.

Kore wa 500 en desu.
This (near me) is 500 yen.
Kono ringo wa 500 en desu.
The apple (near me) is 500 yen.

*これりんご   (kore ringo; this apple near me) is an incorrect expression.

Sore wa 500 en desu.
That (near you) is 500 yen.
Sono ringo wa 500 en desu.
The apple (near you) is 500 yen.

*それりんご (sore ringo; that apple near you) is an incorrect expression.

Are wa 500 en desu.
That (over there) is 500 yen.
Ano ringo wa 500 en desu.
The apple (over there) is 500 yen.

*あれりんご   (are ringo; that apple over there) is an incorrect expression.




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