Chapter 8 – Women in the Ancient World

This chapter is a compilation of essays written by Joshua Mark and Mark Cartwright.  Each essay has reading questions that motivates close reading and opens online discussion and engagement.

Learning Objectives


  • To understand the nature of womanhood in the ancient world
  • To identify the similarities an differences between and among the women of the ancient, diverse societies
  • To evaluate the nature of womanhood in the ancient world
  • To compare the women of the ancient world to contemporary women


Women in Ancient Egypt

Reading Questions

  • What distinguishes women in the Ancient Egypt?
  • What is your evaluation of the lives of women in Ancient Egypt?  What is good/bad about it and why?


Women in Ancient Greece

Reading Questions

  • Describe ancient Greek women
  • How are they different from ancient Egyptian women
  • What attribute/quality did they have that reflected Socratic statement that “unexamined life is not worth living”?


Women in Ancient Rome

Reading and Critical Thinking Questions

  • Compare and Contrast lives of women in ancient Greece and ancient Rome?  How are they similar and different?
  • What significant contribution to humanity did the ancient Greek and Roman women make?



Women in Byzantine Empire

Reading Questions

  • What distinguishes women in the Byzantine Empire?
  • What is your evaluation of the lives of women in the empire?  What is good/bad about it and why?



Women in Ancient China

Reading and Critical Thinking Questions

What are the forms of existence women enjoyed in the ancient world that women lack today?  Speculate on the factors that cause that lack among contemporary women?



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Introduction to Humanities: From Prehistoric Era to Christendom Copyright © 2023 by Jude Chudi Okpala and Megan Ackatz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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